Saturday, October 29, 2011

God, You're My Strength

 Yesterday afternoon, my mom, three brothers, and I were coming home from our homeschooling co-op. We were discussing the weekend and what all was going on. With six people in the family, 2 adults, 2 teenagers, 2 kiddos, life gets a little crazy....especially when we're all going different directions.
 For Saturday, Dad was going to a meeting, Mom was working, and Caleb was practicing with his band for upcoming events. So, I'm old enough to stay at home by myself but not old enough for a drivers license. This is where I spend most of my Saturday mornings and afternoons babysitting our little boys. Sometimes, two rowdy boys are hard to handle for a little 15 year old girl! But I seem to manage most days. :)
 Anyway, I was kind of bummed and really complaining about spending another weekend at home, without someone to talk to.....who understands me. ;)

Advice: Never complain.

 So, I got home, started to get ready to head to my cousin's house for a fall party. I got a text message from my cousin, Howard.....asking if I would come to their church in Kentucky to speak a little bit about China, Franky/Sophia, and sing a few songs. Pretty much just tell my story, and Sophie's story.
 Here's a fun fact about me: public speaking scares me. I get really nervous, and I'm kind of an awkward person. I freeze up sometimes and freak out. I'm not the best, at all. I was tempted, and almost replied with the answer, "no." Not that I didn't want to....but I was afraid to.

Public speaking isn't my greatest strength. But, God has called me to step out of my comfort zone.

 I decided, at the beginning of this year, that I would step out of my comfort zone when I got the opportunity. Let me tell you, that I've received MANY opportunities this year to step out.
 ASK.....and you shall receive!

 After arguing with myself, I felt a feeling on my heart that I needed to do this. I agreed to travel to Kentucky for the weekend with my cousins, and to share what God has done in my life.

 So! On this Saturday morning, instead of sitting around, I am preparing and packing for the weekend. I am praying so hard that God will give me the exact words that need to be heard. I am also pretty excited.

 "There are days when you wake up and feel more insecure than others. There are times when I walk out on stage and wonder if I can do this. Then you have to remember, "God, You're my strength."
 -Britt Nicole
 I find myself repeating that last thing over and over again: "God, You're my strength." Even though public speaking isn't my greatest strength....His strength is perfect.
 (Doesn't this sound like Moses!? I've always said that Moses is my Bible twin. Haha!)

 Have a great weekend, everyone! If you get the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone.....take it. Even if it "kills" you. Even if it seems to have turned out terrible. God is your strength. Be strong and courageous! Joshua 1:9
 Kentucky, here I come!!!!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Lifesong For Orphans

Finally, we have our account set up through Lifesong for Orphans. Now all donations can be tax deductible. Donations can be made through PayPal at

Please use our account: Edwards/#2406. Or you may mail donations to:

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40 / 202 N. Ford St
Gridley, IL 61744

Please remember to add our account in the memo.

Thank you so much for your continued support. It is humbling. We recently mailed our I-800a form to Immigration. We are now waiting for a date to be fingerprinted. This is the last paperwork that we need to complete our Dossier. Once it arrives, we then can mail all of our paperwork to China to be logged in. The wait is hard but we are having fun preparing Sophia's room as we wait! :)

Thank you once again for your prayers, love and support!

~Mama Rachel