Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Serving God in a Season of Staying

My, it has been so long since I’ve written. Life is crazy, calendar is packed, schedules are going ninety different directions…

I decided to start blogging again. It is June, and this is the time for adventures! ;) Even though my adventures are not in China this time of year again, life is still adventurous….life is always adventurous no matter where it takes you.

The past year has been a season of many things, but mainly, a season of staying. I really love to go places and to explore new parts of the world, but, the past year has taught me to find adventure in my home…to find GOD in my home.
You see, when I think of adventures, I think of mission trips. When I think of mission trips, I think of foreign countries. And, when I think of foreign countries, I think THAT’S where God is. I have to go seven thousand miles away, this Summer, to find God.

But, I’ve learned something very important, recently: experiencing the presence of God starts in my home…or even closer, and more so, in my heart.

In March, I had the wonderful opportunity to share my songs and our adoption story at the Pure Girl retreat at Highland Lakes for two weekends in a row. The retreat, each weekend, consisted of about 100 8-12 year old girls, their Mommies, aunts, friends, mentors, Grandma’s, etc.
I was in charge of one of the Saturday breakouts, A Servant’s Heart, where I talked about my experience in missions! Something that I felt led to share with the young girls was something that I needed to hear myself.
In my breakout, I talked about my camp experiences, there, at Highland Lakes, I told stories of my times in China, our involvement in orphan care, and our story of adoption. I, then, closed with what true ministry and mission work is.
“You don’t have to be a certain age to follow God and you don’t have to travel thousand of miles to serve Him,” I told them, “You can be a missionary right now! In your home, in your community, in your school, in your church…..wherever you are, that is your ministry.”

What the Lord gave me to say to those girls was exactly what He was trying to say to me all year long.

Even though I feel the Lord calling me to China, it doesn’t mean I can’t be a disciple where I am now. My young age keeps me from that now, obviously…but it, in no way, keeps me from serving God here.

I believe that truly experiencing the presence of God starts, smack dab, in the middle of our hearts. The God of satisfaction isn’t just thousands of miles away, He lives in the hearts of every son and daughter of His. All we have to do to hear His voice is simply silence our mouths and listen. If we can’t learn to be satisfied in the Lord, right where we are, then there is no way that we’ll ever be completely satisfied anywhere else.

I also have learned that serving God ultimately starts at home. Like, if you have a strong “hankerin’” to live your life for more than yourself, you don’t have to pack up for Africa and hold lots of fundraisers, simply wash the dishes and help your Mom out a little bit. While those huge things are amazing, missions does not have to stop at the end of your mission trip…or start there either. You can serve today with small things that make a huge difference later.
My ministry today is, as I have found out to be, a lot of things! My ministry is helping my little brothers with their kindergarten home schooling; my ministry is exercising and encouraging my friends to do so; it’s taking time to study for my tests rather than just getting by; my ministry is teaching the young people at my church; my ministry is preparing lunch for my siblings while Mom is running errands; it’s being a big sister, it’s praying for my friends; playing “Jesus Loves Me” at our local nursing home; smiling at the post office lady as I send my letters; dressing modestly; waking up earlier to accomplish more things… Serving God can be all of these things that come with every day life. Serving God can even be waiting, trusting in His timing.


I tried so many times to have an adventure this Summer. I looked into more China trips, Italy trips, Ireland trips, some Scotland trips, more and more China trips, even New York trips…. But each time, with all of the loud voices shouting, GO HERE, GO THERE, God kept whispering, “..stay.”
I am very positive that hundreds of people applied to those trips, and hundreds of people will go on those trips and serve those people and hold those babies. But who will stay here and choose to serve our neighbors in small ways that make huge differences?

Financially, I wasn’t able to go on any of the trips. And that’s okay. Because I believe that God has big plans for me in growing, gaining strength, and learning…in this season of staying. And I’m so excited to go on the adventures that God has for me this summer!

So what are my summer plans? I will be preparing for my Senior year of high school by digging into the three-inch-thick books on my desk. I’ll be assisting in the preschool class at our VBS. I’ll be teaching 1st-3rd graders at my church on Sundays and leading our youth bible study on Wednesdays. I’ll be helping at a missions camp (yay!), I’ll be joining our church as we spend a week in Tennessee, building another church. I’ll be making projects for 4-H. I’ll be finishing my documentary film. I’ll be playing a couple of concerts nearby. I’ll be running my first 5k. I’ll be going to my favorite camp (and helping teach this year!). I’ll be playing at the swing set with the littles.
That sounds like a pretty adventurous summer to me!


How will you serve God today?