Friday, January 20, 2012

Trials and Blessings

I’m starting to think that the adoption process is much like a wild ride at Six Flags Amusement Park!  The last four weeks have brought such a wide range of emotions to our family.  It is hard to take it all in at times. 

On December 22, we found out that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services were asking for more information before they would grant their approval for us to adopt.  This was the last paper that we needed to complete our dossier.  We were anxiously awaiting its arrival so we could get our dossier sent to China.  The news of its delay was hard.  But, that was only the beginning of our trouble.   

Our precious paperwork that made up the rest of our dossier has been sent overnight to our agency……two weeks before!  It still had not arrived at its destination.  No one could tell us why it was last seen in Texas.  Its destination was Colorado!  This news literally made me nauseous.   I had worked for months collecting the documents and had hundreds of dollars tied up in it.  I simply could not fathom the idea of starting over.  But, I was willing if that was what it took to bring Sophie home. 

Those were the moments that I felt like I was racing down that big hill on the roller coaster.  Gaining speed, going faster, with my eyes closed, praying that I would survive.  I wasn’t sure that I could do it.  My head hurt.  I was tired.  I missed my little girl. 

But, God is faithful even when I am not.  He is strong even when I am weak.  He still moves even when I stop to pout.  I am so thankful for this!

To make a long story short, the papers were finally found and delivered.  Their delay was assumed to be because of a snowstorm and the holidays.  It took some work but the USCIS finally did grant their approval.   Our dossier is now complete and is currently being translated.  It will be mailed to China at the end of next week.  It would be sooner but the Chinese New Year will be celebrated all of next week so offices will be closed.  

One last, huge blessing:  we are the recipients of a much needed, much appreciated adoption grant from Show!  Praise the Lord!  We stand amazed at how God has blessed our adoption financially.  We started in July with empty pockets and a $25k+ mountain in front of us.  All we had to offer was our faith and obedience.  That was enough.  Our Lord and Savior has met every need we have encountered along the way.  We stand amazed at the miracle He has given us.   
